
Ep 11: Lie #6: No One REALLY Loves Me
podcast Jillian Ng podcast Jillian Ng

Ep 11: Lie #6: No One REALLY Loves Me

Believing anyone genuinely loves them is really difficult for kids who think No One REALLY Loves Them. This final like in the Fighting The Lies series is rooted in their distorted understanding of love. Behaviors that present when this lie is prevalent include self sabotage, combative behavior and trying to find acceptance at almost any cost.

To combat this lie, kids need to be reminded they are loved and we will discuss the value of intentional words, the child feeling they belong, revisiting memories, and inside jokes.

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Ep 10: Lie #5: Everyone Will Reject Me
podcast Jillian Ng podcast Jillian Ng

Ep 10: Lie #5: Everyone Will Reject Me

The lie we are fighting with this episode is Everyone Will Reject Me. Rooted in a past experience when an adult this child cared for, the lie has existed for a legitimate reason. These children who worry about adults leaving or reject them places these kids in almost a constant state of anxiety and fear. This leads to behaviors such as people pleasing adults in their lives except their most bonded relationship. With their most connected adult, they often push them away and explode as their fears bubble to the surface.

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Ep 09: Lie #4: No One Cares About Me
podcast Jillian Ng podcast Jillian Ng

Ep 09: Lie #4: No One Cares About Me

This episode is all about the lie No One Cares About Me which is based in an experience from their childhood where they felt that an adult they trusted did not pay adequate attention due to them not being important. Kids who typically struggle with this lie, often are hungry for affirmation and are rarely satisfied by any quantity of time with the adults they worry care about them. This can make raising them difficult, especially alongside other children.

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Ep 08: Lie #3: I Need To Take Care Of Myself
podcast Jillian Ng podcast Jillian Ng

Ep 08: Lie #3: I Need To Take Care Of Myself

This lie kids believe is based on the ideas that no one cares about what they need - emotionally or relationally. To fight this lie, we can show the kids struggling to believe they are worth caring about and that we care about how they feel. There are many frequent behaviors that a child displays when they are unaware this lie is present or are unable to communicate it. We can model the value of consent, build attachment and help the child develop awareness of their emotions and needs.

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Ep 07: Lie #2: I Have To Provide For Myself
podcast Jillian Ng podcast Jillian Ng

Ep 07: Lie #2: I Have To Provide For Myself

Kids from Trauma often believe lies and have fears associated with these lies. This week we are combatting the Lie: I Have To Provide For Myself. When they did not have what they needed, kids who struggle with this lie learned they need to worry about adult sized things.

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Ep 06: Lie #1: Something Bad Will Happen
podcast Jillian Ng podcast Jillian Ng

Ep 06: Lie #1: Something Bad Will Happen

Kids from Trauma often believe lies and have fears associated with what will happen. In this episode we are unpacking the Lie: Something Bad Will Happen. This lie is hard to fight, because we do know that more bad things actually will happen to our kids. But, they do not constantly need to be worried about bad things happening. They need to know we are with them when they do.

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Ep 05: Fighting the Lies
podcast Jillian Ng podcast Jillian Ng

Ep 05: Fighting the Lies

This episode is all about combatting the lies kids who have lived through trauma believe. We will chat about why kids believe these lies, the six main lies (we will be unpacking the next six weeks) & how to put ourselves on the same side of the battle against lies as our children. This preview of the series will allow you to start to get an idea of why these beliefs are so disruptive and consuming.

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Ep 04: Created For This
podcast Jillian Ng podcast Jillian Ng

Ep 04: Created For This

This week, we will discuss our role as we walk alongside our foster and adoptive kids. We will reflect on God’s faithfulness to surprise us in unexpected ways, His incredible love for each child in our care and how we can offer our children to God and allow the responsibility of them to be His as Hannah offered her son whom she prayed fervently for to the Lord….

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Ep 03: Biological Love
podcast Jillian Ng podcast Jillian Ng

Ep 03: Biological Love

Loving kids who are not biologically yours comes with unique roadblocks and at times, the child’s biological family can lead to difficult discussions, lots of feelings and heartbreak. Walking alongside biological families of the kids in your care allows you to bond, connect with, and relate to your child during the transition into foster care and decades after they are adopted…

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Ep 02: Knowing Your Kid
podcast Jillian Ng podcast Jillian Ng

Ep 02: Knowing Your Kid

This week on the podcast, we will explore the reasons that shape how I view & interact with kids - especially those with backgrounds including trauma, foster care or adoption…

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