Ep 08: Lie #3: I Need To Take Care Of Myself

This lie kids believe is based on the ideas that no one cares about what they need - emotionally or relationally. To fight this lie, we can show the kids struggling to believe they are worth caring about and that we care about how they feel. There are many frequent behaviors that are displayed in a child when they are unaware this lie is present, or are unable to communicate it. We can model the value of consent, build attachment with them and help the child develop awareness of their emotions and needs.

After you listen to this episode, check out the mindfulness resources on our Resource Page and listen to the Mindfulness Moment: How To Hug A Porcupine on your favorite podcast platform (links above.)

Before you jump in, be sure you have already listened to Ep 05: Fighting The Lies. This preview to this series will help you understand what we are talking about and the philosophy behind this approach.

May you stand beside your child to show: you will provide them and desire to give them what they need. As they learn you will believe, support, and help them work through various issues, may they see your great love and accept the truth that God is the one who will provide for them.


Ep 09: Lie #4: No One Cares About Me


Ep 07: Lie #2: I Have To Provide For Myself