Ep 06: Lie #1: Something Bad Will Happen

Kids from Trauma often believe lies and have fears associated with what will happen. In this episode we are unpacking the Lie: Something Bad Will Happen. This lie is hard to fight because we do know that more bad things actually will happen to our kids. But, they do not constantly need to be worried about bad things happening. They need to know we are with them to believe, support & help them when they do.

It is true: bad things will happen, but how they are handled will be much different. We will talk about where this lie originates, what it looks like in the behavior of a child, which truths we should focus on to combat this lie, and ways to support kids who worry about things happening frequently.

Before you jump in, be sure you have already listened to Ep 05: Fighting The Lies. This preview to this series will help you understand what we are talking about and the philosophy behind this approach.

Also available today is the Mindfulness Moment: Right Now, I Am Fine that was created to accompany this episode.  This includes a grounding exercise & I will read the book with the same name: Right Now, I Am Fine.

May you stand beside your child to show: you will stay when bad things happen. As they learn you will believe, support, and help them work through various issues, may they see your great love and accept the truth that God is always with them.


Ep 07: Lie #2: I Have To Provide For Myself


Ep 05: Fighting the Lies