Ep 05: Fighting the Lies

This episode is all about combatting the lies kids who have lived through trauma believe. We will chat about why kids believe these lies, the six main lies (we will be unpacking the next six weeks) & how to put ourselves on the same side of the battle against lies as our children. This preview of the series will allow you to start to get an idea of why these beliefs are so disruptive and consuming.

During the bonus mini episode to follow, the Mindfulness Moment: The Boy Who Built A Wall Around Himself, I will be reading a book with the same title. This book was written by an adoptive mom, Ali Redford. In her short children’s book, she invites us to understand how a child builds walls up, the way the wall protects them and the power of someone kind coming alongside the child. Follow the Evermore Collective on Facebook & Instagram to learn how to win a copy of the book this week!

May you start to see the many lies your child believes and join them in fighting them with truth, gentleness, understanding and grace.


Ep 06: Lie #1: Something Bad Will Happen


Ep 04: Created For This