Ep 04: Created For This

This week, we will discuss our role as we walk alongside our foster and adoptive kids. We will reflect on God’s faithfulness to surprise us in unexpected ways, His incredible love for each child in our care and how we can offer our children to God and allow the responsibility of them to be His as Hannah offered her son whom she prayed fervently for to the Lord in 1 Samuel.

Consider downloading this free printable: Reflections. This will help you ponder why God chose you to love the child(ren) in your care. This is also available on our Resources page.

This episode also has a bonus mini episode - the Mindfulness Moment: Letting Go. My deep desire is to allow you to remember You Have What It Takes to love the kids in your care, but you are only one part of the many pieces of the puzzle God is assembling to come around each child. While your obedience and role is vital, you are the parent not the Savior. We already have one of those.

May you let go of the worries, responsibility you feel to rescue, & love without anguish. May you notice the many ways God created you to love the child(ren) He brought (or will bring) into your life.


Ep 05: Fighting the Lies


Ep 03: Biological Love