Ep 11: Lie #6: No One REALLY Loves Me

Believing anyone genuinely loves them is really difficult for kids who think No One REALLY Loves Them. This final like in the Fighting The Lies series is rooted in their distorted understanding of love. Behaviors that present when this lie is prevalent include self sabotage, combative behavior and trying to find acceptance at almost any cost.

To combat this lie, kids need to be reminded they are loved and we will discuss the value of intentional words, the child feeling they belong, revisiting memories, and inside jokes.

After you listen to this episode, check out the mindfulness resources on our Resource Page or download the printable: Nonreciprocal Love by clicking the button below. Remember to enter your name and email (optional) to get this free resource.

Before you jump in, be sure you have already listened to Ep 05: Fighting The Lies. This preview to this series will help you understand what we are talking about and the philosophy behind this approach.

May your child see they are a priority in your life. As you confront this lie, may you allow them to find assurance in your predictability, apologies and quality time. May they see your desire to stay a part of your life in the future in some capacity and may they see God’s desire to be in their lives as well.


Here, again.


Ep 10: Lie #5: Everyone Will Reject Me