Ep 10: Lie #5: Everyone Will Reject Me

The lie we are fighting with this episode is Everyone Will Reject Me. Rooted in a past experience when an adult this child cared for, the lie has existed for a legitimate reason. These children who worry about adults leaving or reject them places these kids in almost a constant state of anxiety and fear. This leads to behaviors such as people pleasing adults in their lives except their most bonded relationship. With their most connected adult, they often push them away and explode as their fears bubble to the surface.

We will discuss how permanency, adults apologizing for mistakes, predictability, quality time and leaving support these kids to trust that you want to be in their lives. As we try to show kids who struggle with this lie that staying in their lives is a priority, may they see God will not change and will also stay in their lives.

After you listen to this episode, check out the Mindfulness Moment: No Matter What. You can find the book read on our Resource Page and also download the free printable: Staying there or by clicking the button below.

Before you jump in, be sure you have already listened to Ep 05: Fighting The Lies. This preview to this series will help you understand what we are talking about and the philosophy behind this approach.

May your child see they are a priority in your life. As you confront this lie, may you allow them to find assurance in your predictability, apologies and quality time. May they see your desire to stay a part of your life in the future in some capacity and may they see God’s desire to be in their lives as well.


Ep 11: Lie #6: No One REALLY Loves Me


Ep 09: Lie #4: No One Cares About Me