Day 11: Confessing Freely
Sitting in chunks of a story (rather than moving through it quickly) is where the phrases or details come alive that are sometimes overlooked when we read a story in its entirety. While the story of David & Bathsheba is generally common knowledge to those who study the Bible, at times we can rush through stories we think we know. Taking the time to sit in each aspect of the story gives us space to imagine and notice the circumstances to the best of our ability.
Day 10: Inviting Accountability
Fast forward to the years of David’s reign as king. He had just found out that Bathsheba, the woman he took advantage of was pregnant with his child, he’d killed her husband because of his refusal to go home to be with his wife while his unit was still at war, and now he’d married her.
A prophet, Nathan, came to David when prompted by God and told him a story...
Day 9: Extending Mercy
When someone extends mercy, the recipient has a unique emotional response. Depending on your own previous relationships, someone deciding not to give you the consequences you deserve may be something you crave or desire. Mercy may be something you long to experience. There are others who may have generous amounts of mercy extended to them which inhibits their ability to frequently experience consequences...
Day 8: Being Bold
It is easy to take for granted the incredible way God loves us. We easily embrace the large quantity of blessings He pours out until the moment we notice we once again have sinned against Him.
In these moments of self-awareness, we often realize our issues and start to spiral. We forget that doing bad things, while completely our responsibility, is a very normal, human trait. Shame tends to creep in and tries to convince us that we are bad people because of our sin, but God knows that every person will be sinful. Knowing this does not change His opinion that we are not worthless. He sees the value of His people regardless of their behavior, but that is not the end of the story.
Week 1: He Longs for Us to Know Who We Are
Week 1 of The Heart of God: Through David's Eyes
Day 7: Still Known when Apathetic
Our God, who chose David to be king, was not surprised at David’s brokenness. He knew David would be an imperfect, sinful person. He was displeased but knew David’s heart.
When I read 2 Samuel 11 in its entirety, the aspect of the story that is most offensive to me is the apathy David displays. He does not seem brokenhearted about his failures. There seems to be no disruption within his soul as he continues to make these selfish, inconsiderate, destructive choices. We have not yet seen any remorse or consideration of others in him.
The reason this disturbs me is the familiar way my heart can grow cold to the needs of others...